With an average run time of 36 minutes and retention rate of 65% to the end, podcasts offer a unique opportunity for economic development organizations to tell stories that are too complex or nuanced to condense to a short video or social media post. In this workshop, you’ll learn everything you need to start a podcast for your organization. We’ll cover how to pick the best theme and format to fit your goals, what kind of tech you’ll need, strategies to reach your target audience, and how to measure success.
This is the registration fees for the one day virtual seminar to be held March 6th 2025.
Refund Policy:
- Refunds will not be issued for selecting the incorrect membership type on your registration.
Please be aware that personal information may be shared with the Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) for the purposes of confirming completion of professional development points.
For any questions, or to request additional information please contact Sharon Jones.